HI! It's been a while, 3 months since the last post! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the summer up there. We've been pretty busy working and getting used to living life down under.
Barley and Shyster arrived on July 20th (yay!) and 30 days later were released from quarantine. The quarantine was more like a pet hotel, so they were doing pretty good in there. After about one day at the house, they were running around like happy kitties who never made the big journey.
Barley and Shyster arrived on July 20th (yay!) and 30 days later were released from quarantine. The quarantine was more like a pet hotel, so they were doing pretty good in there. After about one day at the house, they were running around like happy kitties who never made the big journey.

Barley and Cat cuddlin in the quarantine.
Shyster feeling triumphant upon arrival!

Shyster and Barley sitting in the NZ sun at the house...

Snowboarding season here is from about late June - early October. The first time we went up was in July to Mt. Ruepehu in the middle of the North Island - an active volcano! Although our trip was geologically uneventful, there are warning systems on the mountain for things called "Lahars" which are mud flows from when the crater overflows when it erupts. The photos below are from a later trip we took down to Mt. Hutt in the South Island. The Southern Alps are awesomely pretty and have more powder than the North!

Cat taking a photo two snowboarding wizards...

Then all these random people wanted to join in!

We went down for a friend's 30th B-day - here's the crew!

Playing in the powder!!

Austin takes a head first route down:

Austin takes a head first route down:

Kea parrots - mountain birds!
Food is scarce up here for the birds,
so the ski resort has warning signs
that these snow parrots might chew
the rubber off your door seams!
Here they are in the video, eating a hat. Afternoon fog rolling in at the lift.

Austin, doing a little grocery shopping in the town of Methvin at the base of Mt. Hutt.

It just so happened to be October Fest while in Methvin...
our group partook in the festivities with a little dancing of our own!
Some scenery just outside Christchurch:
The river water really was this bright blue!

The river water really was this bright blue!
No photoshop here - This is from a weekend trip to Rotorua in August for Cat's birthday! We went to these geothermal sulphur spots that had bubbling mud and steam rising right out of the ground. The whole town smells like rotton eggs!
No photoshop here - This is from a weekend trip to Rotorua in August for Cat's birthday! We went to these geothermal sulphur spots that had bubbling mud and steam rising right out of the ground. The whole town smells like rotton eggs!
Apart from the smell... we thought it was pretty amazing!

Cat waving hello from a sulphuric cavern!

Some more bubbling green stuff...

This reactor was just down the highway... hmmm...

Cat waving hello from a sulphuric cavern!
You have to keep on the path because
the ground around it is bubbling!

Some more bubbling green stuff...

This reactor was just down the highway... hmmm...
maybe all these "geothermal" green ponds aren't natural...?!
Some cool steaming sulphur craters: This little spot
is called Craters of the Moon in Taupo (next to Rotorua).
It was raining out and
....a bit eiry, but totally awesome! One of our
ground here at this geothermal plant.
Awe! Love this blog - it's too funny. Really, good job. You two are a pair of characters for sure. Nice job on Austin doing a "little" shopping . You guys should write a script.